Posted by karlahagan on Jan 1, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments
Call it a line in the sand! An opportunity to lean in! A moment to invite Father! A posture to take!
Whatever you would like to call it, Ron and I have been thinking about this year and taking hold of another moment to “begin again” with our family and with your family! The best way to “begin again” is first to pray! Father God has been thinking about 2015 and our families already! He has great things to share and great adventures to lead. Let’s begin this year talking with him about what is on his mind for us, handing over our plans for his and seeking his lead for our steps! Finally, let’s talk with him about our children and raising these front line champions!
So, we are inviting you to pray with us for 15 days for your family and this year of 2015! Let’s “begin again” together in his purpose! We will be posting a prayer to pray every day on the! Join us and share the prayer! All of us together in a posture of seeking and anticipation!
15 days of prayer over the course of January! We stand at the beginning of a new year; we can choose Father’s way of truth and love. While holding his hand, we hold the hands of our children, and, thankfully, we can hold each others hands as well. It is good to walk together!