Posted by karlahagan on Nov 27, 2011 in A Language, A Plan, Blog, God Cards | 1 comment
Father gave me this phrase in 2011. Not sure why or when. I just know that I began saying it over and over to myself in those moments that I needed it. “Begin again” is his whisper to me, his reminder of grace new every day, every hour, every minute.
And so as I was thinking how to start this new year of study and exploration with my family, this phrase came to mind – “begin again.” We begin the next chapter of a new year in November with the beginning of Advent. Many people start thinking of the new year beginning in January with the turn of the year. But, the liturgical Christian calendar that has been kept for years and years begins with Advent which begins in November. It follows our normal calendar but ties our days to the story of God. It is appropriate that our new year begins with Advent and the coming of the Christ Child. Jesus is God’s intervention into our day to day with the only remedy for our sin – his life sacrificed for us and his love reaching out to us.
So, together, let’s “begin again.” This year – let’s begin hungry. Hungry for Father God and his best for our family. Let’s say again, we believe the Bible and embrace the journey (Psalm 84:5), and let’s say we want the “more” promised to us in John 10:10. So, how do we get into that on this first week of Advent, November 27-December 3, 2011.
The Hagan family has a Plan. We are going to begin with some common language this week of God Card #6 – I believe God is Christmas.
We just decorated for Christmas this week pulling out all of the memories and great icons of Christmas in our home. Don’t underestimate the power of this family endeavor. Your icons are so important and tell the stories of what is important in the life of your family. So, the ornaments from vacations and year’s past, the angel door hangers made from painted hands, the craft bin, the Christmas books, etc. – we are preparing our home for the Christmas season, and we talked alot about preparing our mind and hearts for Jesus. We just spoke the words this week – anticipation, preparation, Jesus coming, Advent. We looked at old crafts littered with great verses and reminders of the meaning of Christmas. We read Christmas books and got excited all over again for the coming of Christmas, the coming of Christ.
It is time to begin again! What a gift!
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