“So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20 I love the stories in Luke 15 – stories of Father God’s love. In the Lost Sheep, he won’t stop until he finds each one of us. However broken or weak we might be, he deems us important enough to find. In the Lost Coin, I also see a crazy love. He will look under every cushion to find us. No matter that he already has 9 coins, the search for the lost one is worth it. And then there is the story of the Prodigal Son. A son comes to his father and tells him that he has decided to leave;...
Read MoreThe Story cards along with the God and Me cards are first our own experience of redemption and rescue. Father God loved us, saved us, spoke to us and won. He thinks about us, looks for us, tells us in terms that we get it, puts his arms around us, kisses us on the forehead, calls us by a new name and includes us in his family. This is the truth of the Bible! If you sift through all of those big words of systematic theology and if you read for yourself the words in the Bible, this is the story you get. And that language, the language of a story, motivates me. It draws me, and I want to respond. Much of the spiritual formation or Christian curriculum out there fills your...
Read MoreI feel so strongly about this endeavor, the God cards that is. It is just crucial that we flood our children with the person of God. If in fact we believe in him and if we feel as though we have need, then we are desperate for ways to know him and to invite our kids to his story, one that we have been reading and experiencing already. And something I have experienced as well – these truths about Father God sustain me, strengthen me and catapult me into peaceful places of rest and resilience. And I need a whole bunch of that! There has been many a day when my circumstances overwhelm me, and I will remember – Father God runs to me, answers me, knows my name...
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