We had some church around our kitchen table that was rich! Three Questions, one piece of paper, a marker and a Bible! That was it and off we ran. I posed the first question for us all to write down our response on our paper. Question #1 – What is a challenge to you right now? What is causing you some pause or stress? We all wrote down our thoughts on our piece of paper. No conversation as of yet. I threw out the next question for reflection. Question #2 – What is the enemy trying to get you to believe about that problem/struggle/issue? What are the agreements he is trying to get you to make? Then, I threw out the last question but still now conversation as...
Read MoreWe are talking about God card #15 this week – God is my fort. He protects me. So, we all grabbed our Bibles and found a place on the couches in the living room. For some reason, Carson wanted to go in the living room. Maya and Ada didn’t, but thankfully, the two sisters worked with their brother in this situation. Maya grabbed some paper and markers, and we were off and running. Everyone looked up a verse from the God card in their Bible, highlighted it and marked in the side margin God card #15! This is so important to get them marking in their Bibles and filling it with your conversations (Study). We read our verses out loud to each other. When we got to...
Read MoreAwhile back, Ron and I started asking each other 2 questions. I don’t know how it started or where the idea came from. But at the close of a week, at some point when we found a moment to actually look each other in the eye, we would reflect together with these 2 questions. Sometimes, it was on a date, a blissful date at the close of a hard week of work and kids. But other times, it was just on the couch after a show, at the table as the kids were getting ready for bed or in bed ourselves before we drifted off to sleep. We had no idea the power of these 2 questions in our marriage and now in our family as we have started doing it all together. It causes us to pause and...
Read MoreI just made a list in my journal of the things I would love to accomplish today. There are too many and not enough time – I find this is the story of my life, but I greet the “undone” better than ever and just look to prioritize and choose well! So, I choose “The Kitchen Table.” I have words brewing in my heart and mind on the topic, and I must make sense of them through this medium of words. I often say that our kitchen table is the most important piece of furniture in our home, and once again, I celebrate this truth. Dinner last night and breakfast this morning were nothing short of miraculous, and I take a step from the crazy and mark the truth of the...
Read MoreOne of the brilliant things that has begun happening with our God card conversations is the kids have started leading our conversations. On this day, Ada chose the God card and worked out what we were going to do! You can see her plan in the picture above. It was a rich time! I also hope for your family that it is yet another reminder of the simplicity of the God cards but the depth of the conversation. For Ada to lead creates a deeper understanding for her of this truth, and a “value” that they all place on the content, because they can choose and be in charge. It is a “win-win” all around! Be sure and look closely at the picture above. She...
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