Today we are praying the story of Gideon, compliments of my friend Heather! Here is part of her email to me yesterday – “I am in Judges 6 this morning for my reading. Gideon is chosen by God to fight the Midianites. When the angel of God is informing Gideon of his plans, Gideon’s first response is questions, lots of questions. ‘Where have you been, God? Why did you abandon us? Why did you choose me?’ God’s reply to Gideon: ‘Go in the strength that you have.’ It struck me that God’s preference when sending us into battle is ‘unequal to the task.’ More room for His glory. I also think about Gideon sitting...
Read MoreI am not doing this on purpose, I promise! I am talking about the “P” thing that has been going on in these prayers for 2015! It just keeps happening! So far, we have prayed into the words – purpose, perspective, position and posture! I ended the last prayer with a word from Henri Nouwen and his prescription for living with “open hands.” In his closing prayer, he spoke of this posture coming from the word “trust.” Trusting Father as we stand at the beginning of this new year with “open hands!” Not an easy word to get your arms around – “trust.” So, I was reminded of another friend, Brennan Manning...
Read MoreBut seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33 Our Agreement As parents, we are all committed to a mission of investing in our children. In the words of Deuteronomy 6, we desire “to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength, and teach these words diligently to our children.” And together, we are trying to work this out. As the principal at my kids’ school wrote to the parents, we are Kingdom Christians – “families fighting passionately together for the heart of the King.” What does it mean to work out Matthew 6:33 – the kingdom principle of “Seeking?” In the midst of homework,...
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