Posted by ronhagan on Apr 30, 2013 in A Language, A Plan, Me Cards | 0 comments
A team is filled athletes who share a common purpose, commitment, and goals. In the Hagan house, we are involved in many teams that involve sports – whether on the baseball diamond or on the volleyball court. A team is strong in unique areas; a team fights for one another; a team wins together; and a team goes through adversity together. We believe in the power of TEAM.
I believe Father God does too. He has created us in his image. In his image, in his being, there are three: Father, Son, and Spirit. Each of these is God. I believe he calls us into a team (community) in order to strengthen, fight, and win for each other.
I saw this play out this week. A close friend of mine shares these same thoughts. His son is a very good pitcher for his playoff-bound high school baseball team. As they began this week, my friend called out to a few key men with whom he has surrounded his son. He asked us to pray over his son, not so much for the results of the game this week, but that his son would cast his attention more on Jesus, the Lord of his life, than the hype and pride of the week. To prepare, absolutely! But to prepare the mind, body, spirit and soul.
It was my pleasure to be called upon to surround his son in truth and wisdom. The words that came to me, blessed me, maybe more than my young friend. I hope you find strength in them as well.
“I’m often tempted and challenged the most in my area of calling and gifting. It seems that the devil thinks we’re dangerous to him when we’re in our spiritual sweet spot. Thoughts of doubt, words of “what if I don’t have what it takes?” or “what if I don’t meet mine or others’ expectations?” rush in. But then I remember: if only I’ll remember what Father says about me.
We have these “Me Cards” in our house as part of our ministry of The Whole Peach. The Me Cards are identity statements – truth as to who I am as a result of Jesus Christ’s DNA living in me. It’s not self talk or self improvement; it’s truth from God’s mouth to my ear. This particular Me Card is “I Am Complete.” In Colossians 2:9-10, it says, “…in Him you have been made complete.” Grasp that; take it in. You lack nothing in Jesus Christ. Because you are in Him and He in you, you lack nothing. It is equally true that apart from Him we can do nothing of value or eternal impact. So resist the devil’s attempts to either trample you with the fear of failure or lure you into prideful thinking. The Lord is all in all and is your fullness.”
May we partner together to surround our children with truth and love, to raise them up in the reality that they lack nothing in Jesus Christ.