Posted by karlahagan on Jul 6, 2011 in A Language, A Plan, Blog, Me Cards | 0 comments
I think it is important for you to understand the simplicity and freedom that I hope for your family when you work through the Me cards. The “Getting Started” section on the poster that came with your Me cards is short and simple; use it, but I also want you to use whatever is going on in your home that week to explain the Me card too. This will be different for every family. The different ages and issues will determine that. I also want you to see that even as the mom who wrote the material, I still had different things happen once I actually put it in motion. On these “What Really Happened” blogs, you are going to see it all.
We have done the Me cards now 3 times in the life of our family. For Summer 2007 it was totally geared to 4 and 5 year olds. For Summer 2009, our kids were now 6 and 7, and, it was geared to what they were already playing or what was already fun for them – painting/drawing pictures, playing birthday party, doing a play, singing bingo, etc. In the summer of 2011, it was exciting to begin to ask some of the questions and do more cross-referencing in our Bibles. If I had had this material when the kids were infants, I would have just said the Me card statements and the verses over them and prayed the prayer over them. As Maya, Ada and Carson get older, we are looking forward to talking more about the questions. We will also do more cross-referencing and really get into the meat of the verse by researching other verses on this same idea or looking up some explanation of the core verse.
Enjoy the adventure! I hope you will find these Me card “What Really Happened” blogs entertaining and helpful!
Me Card #7 – I am holy and blameless.
Summer 2007
1. We read the statement and verse.
2. Then we had them draw a dirty picture or a time you have been dirty. Then asked – “what does it feel like to be dirty? When you are dirty, do you want to change? What does it feel like to get all clean?”
3. Then, we had them touch their heart and we made the transfer in ideas by asking – “Is your heart dirty or clean? How do you get your heart clean? Is it by the good choices we make? Does that get our heart clean?”
4. Then we said – “it isn’t our good choices, we are clean because of 5 letters – do you want to know what they are” – and we started singing “JESUS” to the tune of Bingo. It goes like this – “Our God in heaven had a son, and Jesus was his name-O. J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S and Jesus was his name-O!” You can find this song on our Sing page. We sang it through with them a few times and then said again – “it is Jesus that makes our heart and mind clean from the dirt and sin. We are holy, because he has made us holy.”
5. We prayed the prayer over them. I believe we also did a bit of the “so what?” questions and focused on Father God’s love.
Summer 2009
I have no notes for summer of 2009. Perhaps we didn’t get through the study that time around or perhaps I just didn’t write anything down. Maybe we just had a really great discussion, so great I just couldn’t begin to write down the greatness?!? I hope so. But we could have just not finished it too! Remember, the goal is to do this study several times throughout your time together under one roof. And to get through 6 Me cards is great! Maybe next time we will get all of the way through! Feel the freedom of steps – celebrate the ones you make, pray for more and keep walking!
Summer 2011
1. We dug in deeper to the Ephesians verse this time and made a list of what God was doing in these verses. He “blessed us, chose us, loved us, predestined us and made us accepted.” Because of this, we are “his family, and he is pleased.”
2. We then talked about the definition of holy and blameless and made a list – “no sins on me, light, clean, not left to our sin; our dirty state, and sacrifice; blood shed and death to atone for or make up for my sin.”
3. Then Ron asked if we are as holy as God? We talked about the gift of becoming holy and blameless in his sight.
4. And then they drew pictures saying: “God is holy. I am holy.” Ada also drew a “lift the flap” gift picture with the words “I am holy” inside. And Maya drew a wonderful picture of herself “before and after” – one with chains on her wrists and one with the chains broken. She then wrote: “God took all the blame off of me!” She is inside a castle with God standing next to her. Beautiful picture!
5. While the girls were working on these pictures, Carson decided he wanted to plan a scavenger hunt over all of the Me cards. So we got the Cards and spread them throughout the house with a hunt list for the girls to use. It was so cool seeing first Carson take leadership and creating a plan for review and then all 3 of them running around the house celebrating each Me card. I would like to think we prayed at each stop; I sure hope so. He had a gift at the end of the hunt for the girls – some candy he found in the pantry. It was a “win” on many levels!