When purchasing the God cards, you are getting 1 poster and 42 cards. The poster shows you first how the God cards fit into the overall plan. Second, there is a “Getting Started” guide that shows you the simple way to walk through a God card with your children. Last, you will receive 42 cards that will lead you year after year in great conversations with your family.
The God cards have started the conversation for our family with Father God and his words, the Bible. They remind us all over again of his invitation for a relationship. All you have to do is gather your family around the table, put your Bibles in the center of things, grab a card and begin. The only other matierals you might need is construction paper and markers to draw some pictures of what you discover. Use the God cards as part of your family conversation year after year after year.
Our life is a story.
Days of details become chapters, and the chapters become a book. Our book is part of a greater story. There is more. There is someone else, someone who started the whole ordeal. His story began even before the beginning, and certainly there is far more to it than we will ever know, but he has given us pieces or chapters to his story and our part in it. In our story, there is love. There is blessing, and there are treasures. I believe that we all want to believe there is more. I believe that we want to figure out how to live in “the more.” I believe that we want to know how to transfer that “more” to our children. And I believe that it begins with knowing him.