Your Story

The Miller Family
The Whole Peach is practical, equipping tools for families who want to develop their spiritual lives. Everything is manageable, simple and flexible. Everything has been tried out by the Hagan family and is continuing to be worked on. There is no condemnation, or “you should do this.” There is simply love, patience and rich conversation as a family and with Father God.
The Miller Family
The Codd Family
Life in our home has not been easy or what I would have planned, but the Lord has strengthened my marriage, blessed us with a wonderful support system, filled us with hope and joy beyond the tears we still shed at times, and given us eyes to see the beauty. Thank you for sharing what the Lord gave to you.
The Codd Family


We are grateful for your friendship and celebrate your story.

Thanks for inviting us into your life. We are praying for your family and the journey you are walking! Remember . . .

  1. Begin where you are and ask. Ask Father God to reveal his story for your family.
  2. Pursue the treasure in his word, the Bible.
  3. Learn from those who are living in his story of extravagance.
  4. Lean in and keep asking.
  5. Choose his life, his gifts, his way – day after day, moment after moment.

We would love to hear from you. Email us at

“Take heart, my friend”

Take heart, my friend, we’ll go together
The uncertain road that lies ahead.
Our faithful God has always gone before us
And He will lead the way once again.

Take heart, my friend, we can walk together.
And if our burdens become too great
We can hold up and help one another
In God’s love, in God’s grace.

Take heart, my friend, the Lord is with us
As He has been all the days of our lives,
Our assurance every morning,
Our defender in the night.

If we should falter when trouble surrounds us
When the wind and the waves are wild and high
We will look away to Him who rules the waters,
Who spoke His peace into the angry tide.

He is our comfort, our sustainer
He is our help in time of need.
When we wander, He is our Shepherd.
He who watches over us never sleeps.

Take heart, my friend, the Lord is with us
As He has been all the days of our lives,
Our assurance every morning,
Our defender in the night.

By Fernando Ortega