
Church at the Kitchen Table – Simple Steps!

Posted by on Mar 18, 2020 in A Community, A Story, Blog, God Cards, Story Cards | 0 comments

Church at the Kitchen Table – Simple Steps!

My daughter, Maya Hagan, just wrote some words this week entitled “Uncharted Territory,” and I think that we would all agree the spread of the coronavirus in the details of our days is certainly a place we have never been. In this place, there could be fear and possibly some frustrations. I know that for the three young people living in my home as well as Ron and I we are experiencing a myriad of fears and frustrations. In fact, we made a list of them on Sunday as we were having church around our kitchen table. It was important to give everyone a chance to share some words and explain their thoughts. With Maya and Ada being seniors in high school, they are...

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1 question+5 Bibles=1 great conversation around our kitchen table

Posted by on Apr 23, 2018 in A Plan, A Story, A Tool, Blog | 0 comments

1 question+5 Bibles=1 great conversation around our kitchen table

Both Ron and I could tell our family needed a moment to breathe and find our center again. We were all moving quickly in the details of our day, and it was a great morning to jump off the tracks and have some words together. Step 1: I cut some construction paper into squares and passed one out to everyone at the table to write the answer to my one question – What is your challenge right now? We each took a minute to write, and then we shared. Ron – struggling to find passion and purpose in my work, but having financial goals for the family – now and in the future Carson – school – boring and same thing over and over again Ada – waking up early and the...

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Syndromes and Sight

Posted by on Aug 4, 2015 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

Syndromes and Sight

Coming to the table this morning. Beginning this day in conversation. Saying again – I believe there is more beyond my circumstance and ability, and I need help. My circumstance has disappointed, and my ability has failed. And for those days when circumstance is “rolling,” and abilities seems to be working to my advantage, I still must grapple with the reality that this could change in an instant. Will I depend on this that I can see, or do I believe the Bible? Again, if I am not willing to chunk the Bible out the window, then I must “come to the table,” and I must “begin the day in conversation.” My Father has told me it is in my best interest, and most...

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15th day to PRAY for 2015!

Posted by on Feb 15, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

How appropriate to end these 15 days of prayer for 2015 on this 15th day of February! I would like to say that I planned it this way all along. In fact, what I did control was a bit of condemnation over the past few days as I realized that I had never sent one last prayer. As always, it went something like this: “Way to go, Karla. Not finishing what you start. What does it matter anyways? You keep sending these prayers out through cyberspace – to whom? You got caught up in the busy and forgot the important. Are you even praying yourself much less encouraging others to do so?” I used to stay on the mat for some time in this cycle of defeat! Thankfully,...

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14th day to PRAY for 2015! a prayer from Ron!

Posted by on Feb 3, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

14th day to PRAY for 2015! a prayer from Ron!

Have you ever had a day when every conversation and every effort – no matter how small or large – was met with opposition? For some of us, this may typify our days; for others we may be a bit out of practice on how to respond when dealing with opposing forces. It’s so crazy, but I recall from my childhood having these kinds of days in school or on the practice field or with friends. It just seemed like nothing was going right. This really bothered me. So much so that I developed a strange coping mechanism based on superstition. Like, maybe if I wore my favorite clothes somehow that would avert the problems of the day. Of course this is absolute...

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13th day to PRAY for 2015!

Posted by on Feb 1, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

13th day to PRAY for 2015!

On this 13th day to pray, my own girls are turning 13! I love how Father weaves! Little did I know that I would be writing this 13th prayer on their 13th birthday. It is reminders like these that Father is close, very close and delighted with the conversation! We are choosing to begin this year in conversation with him for our own journey and the journey of our family! In his word, he calls us these places of prayer, and we delight him with our choosing! I celebrate family and the gift of children. I celebrate the opportunity to walk with Maya, Ada and Carson as they walk their own journey of faith. I am overwhelmed with the passing of time and how quickly our moments...

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