Posts Tagged "choices"

“Self Control – What an Oxymoron!”

Posted by on Feb 13, 2012 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

Writing on the topic of self-control is a bit funny to me. It is a place of great need in our family! It is one of those “broken record” issues. You know the phrases you feel like you say over and over again, and hopefully, just one day, you will see the fruit from such excruciating consistency. Unfortunately and honestly these “broken record” phrases are usually not said in a nice, calm voice full of patience and love, but, many times: “MAYA, ADA OR CARSON (depending on the day and I hope you can hear the tone in my words), you have lost it. Take a deep breath and find your center.” I don’t really know if they know what their center is. In the heat of the...

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“Great Gifts to Give Your Family and Friends!” (God card #6 – Christmas)

Posted by on Dec 11, 2010 in A Language, A Plan, Blog, God Cards | 0 comments

Sing with me: “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!” With that in mind, I was thinking about this season of giving and some ideas came to mind for you. Christmas is a time for celebration, lifting up the greatest gift ever given to us – Jesus! Father God broke through the boundaries of heaven and earth and sent his son to walk with us, talk with us, eat with us and ultimately die for us. He was the end to law and a bridge to life. Jesus Christ carried us back to the arms of Father God and gave us the gift of coming home safe in the embrace of our Lord and Creator as it was intended from the beginning of time (Ephesians 2:4-7). Because of this, we...

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