Posts Tagged "peace"

“big ole fits and eyes to see!”

Posted by on May 11, 2016 in A Community, A Story | 0 comments

just found this in my journal stash . . . a great word for me this morning and maybe for you! a day in the life on October 10, 2012~ Throwing the laundry in the washing machine with a bit more force this morning. . . Watching Ron walk out the door to “ensure pension safety” in the investment community with truth and tactics. Wishing my moment involved more than dirty clothes and if the girls want the knit sheets back on their beds???? That is my question and thus the quest for my moment. Father, give me eyes to see the extravagant in dirty clothes, beds that need changing and this home being my workplace for today. Next moment – Maya (age 10) walks into the...

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15th day to PRAY for 2015!

Posted by on Feb 15, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

How appropriate to end these 15 days of prayer for 2015 on this 15th day of February! I would like to say that I planned it this way all along. In fact, what I did control was a bit of condemnation over the past few days as I realized that I had never sent one last prayer. As always, it went something like this: “Way to go, Karla. Not finishing what you start. What does it matter anyways? You keep sending these prayers out through cyberspace – to whom? You got caught up in the busy and forgot the important. Are you even praying yourself much less encouraging others to do so?” I used to stay on the mat for some time in this cycle of defeat! Thankfully,...

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3rd day to PRAY for 2015!

Posted by on Jan 5, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

3rd day to PRAY for 2015!

So far, we have prayed into the words – purpose and perspective from Colossians 1 and position from Hebrews 4. For this year of 2015, we are praying that our “lines of purpose” attached to our future in heaven are held “taut” by the hope Father has given to us. So, before we take steps into this new year, we also remember our position in Jesus. He has extended his hand to us and promised a life lived in his strength and rest. We are not alone, and he is in charge. With this truth, we are ready for whatever 2015 may hold, and we are eager to adventure with Father into the days of this year. At least, that sounds like a good idea. I want to...

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“Beginning College – What We Wished Someone Would Have Told Us!”

Posted by on May 17, 2010 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

For Allie . . . 1. Change is amiss! It is all new; everything feels awkward. Embrace the changes in friendships, schedules, studying, etc. Fear is the belief that you are somewhere that God isn’t, and you know that just isn’t true (my good friend, Pres, told me that). So, name the fear, seek his heart for you in that moment and walk forward in the belief that you walk together. Father God shows up in these gaps and shows himself as someone you can depend on. 2. Don’t pick your major too quickly. This is the time to inquire, research, interview, etc. Get yourself with people and in environments doing the things you think you might be interested in doing as much as...

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“Three Choices!”

Posted by on Jan 11, 2010 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

Today I have been met by a load of opposition – client confrontation, vendor confrontation, and nagging issues at the office. And I know the enemy is using this opposition, these circumstances, to cause me to doubt, wring my hands and question my value or ability to accomplish God’s purposes. How many times have you felt like that? Are you in circumstances right now that cause you “to doubt, wring your hands and question your value or ability?” I had been in Micah 7 this morning (literally a random “open the Bible and read”) and now I see these verses were total preparation for the chaos that confronted me at work. “But as for me, I will watch expectantly...

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