Posts Tagged "rest"

“What Really Happened at the Hagan House!” (God card #4 – Blanket/Mr. Bear)

Posted by on Mar 10, 2013 in A Language, A Plan, Blog, God Cards | 1 comment

“What Really Happened at the Hagan House!” (God card #4 – Blanket/Mr. Bear)

We are focusing on God card #4 this week – God is our Blanket/Mr. Bear. I believe God comforts me. For our children, blankets were very important when they were young. Nap time would not happen unless the blanket was present! For Carson, his Mr. Bears were also very important. He actually has 2 Mr. Bears. They were were given to Maya and Ada as a baby gift, and they never took to them. When Carson was a baby, I put them in his crib more for decoration than anything else. But as he grew, I began noticing he would wake up from a nap with them in hand. I began calling them his Mr. Bears, and it stuck. Ada and Maya are not exactly happy with this God card, because I...

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“The Mirky Feeling”

Posted by on Jan 11, 2009 in A Language, A Plan, A Story, Blog, God Cards | 0 comments

I am feeling mirky today. I find it difficult to see the big picture, trapped in the mindless endeavors of dirty dishes and constant clutter, the objections to my great ideas by the little people in our house and the quiet of mind without full-time work responsibilities beyond this home. Why can’t I have one day without a load of laundry? How about a grateful, eager response when I ask to bring your dishes to the counter? And where is my important meeting to clinch the next deal? Sigh. And so the cloudiness ensues. But not too far behind is the lightning strikes of condemnation. “How could YOU be so ungrateful? It is probably just another day of not exercising...

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