Posts Tagged "steps"

Church at the Kitchen Table – Simple Steps!

Posted by on Mar 18, 2020 in A Community, A Story, Blog, God Cards, Story Cards | 0 comments

Church at the Kitchen Table – Simple Steps!

My daughter, Maya Hagan, just wrote some words this week entitled “Uncharted Territory,” and I think that we would all agree the spread of the coronavirus in the details of our days is certainly a place we have never been. In this place, there could be fear and possibly some frustrations. I know that for the three young people living in my home as well as Ron and I we are experiencing a myriad of fears and frustrations. In fact, we made a list of them on Sunday as we were having church around our kitchen table. It was important to give everyone a chance to share some words and explain their thoughts. With Maya and Ada being seniors in high school, they are...

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“Some Simple Steps for your Summer”

Posted by on May 11, 2009 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

It’s almost here – that season called summer. Perhaps for you it is a time of fun and relaxation; perhaps it is a time of crazy and noise. Whatever it may be for you, I thought I would give you a few ideas for your summer. I believe that healing or progress is made in simple steps. If I focus too far ahead of me, I get discouraged and give up. Each day I just have to look for the one thing, the one step moved in the right direction instead of the wrong direction. You and I must celebrate these steps; otherwise, we live lives of constant dismay, doubt and depression. Just pick one or two of the ideas below. I promise that each step is a step in the right direction, a...

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