Posted by karlahagan on Jan 14, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments
Today we are praying the story of Gideon, compliments of my friend Heather!
Here is part of her email to me yesterday – “I am in Judges 6 this morning for my reading. Gideon is chosen by God to fight the Midianites. When the angel of God is informing Gideon of his plans, Gideon’s first response is questions, lots of questions. ‘Where have you been, God? Why did you abandon us? Why did you choose me?’ God’s reply to Gideon: ‘Go in the strength that you have.’ It struck me that God’s preference when sending us into battle is ‘unequal to the task.’ More room for His glory. I also think about Gideon sitting across from the angel of the Lord and still needing a sign, several signs in fact. I’m so thankful that He’s patient with us and all that he asks of us – ‘go in the strength you have.'”
Remarkable story of preference, patience and promise! I do love these “P’s.” All about Father! I went and read the story of Gideon in Judges 6-8. It is one wild ride with some twists and turns. A great read for an interesting family discussion. Gideon and the Israelites were in a mess.
In their story, Father preferred to show up at a difficult time, chose a man “least in his family” and full of doubt, continued to encourage this man to take the next step despite his crazy requests for one more sign, diminished the size of Gideon’s army to a small band of 300 men and then sent them to face the enemy with seemingly insufficient weapons of trumpets, empty jars and some torches. They won the battle and secured the land for peace for 40 years. Father’s preferences are crazy, but in the midst of crazy, he is there with a promise of peace, strength and victory.
Father’s preferences include a person like me – full of questions and needing some reassurance. He also prefers crazy odds with some crazy weapons in his perfect timing and last, he prefers a victory! Glad to be on the winning team! Glad to be part of his choosing! Glad to be invited to his fight! Glad to be given his promise of strength! And while I am not glad for his crazy nor his timing, I am grateful for his patience and his decision to include me!
The angel’s first words to Gideon when he showed up that day: “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior,” then a few verses later “go in the strength that you have” and last “the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon” (6:12, 14 and 34). So, I will pray these words over all of us and invite you to speak it over your children!
An idea: Read the story of Gideon in Judges 6-8. Find your circles and underlines (circle anything you see God doing or saying and underline anything we are to do through the story of Gideon). Last, speak this blessing with your children.
Parent: Go in the strength you have.
Child: I have the Spirit of the Lord upon me.
Parent: You are his mighty warrior.
Child: He promises he is with me.