My daughter, Maya Hagan, just wrote some words this week entitled “Uncharted Territory,” and I think that we would all agree the spread of the coronavirus in the details of our days is certainly a place we have never been. In this place, there could be fear and possibly some frustrations. I know that for the three young people living in my home as well as Ron and I we are experiencing a myriad of fears and frustrations. In fact, we made a list of them on Sunday as we were having church around our kitchen table. It was important to give everyone a chance to share some words and explain their thoughts. With Maya and Ada being seniors in high school, they are...
Read MoreBoth Ron and I could tell our family needed a moment to breathe and find our center again. We were all moving quickly in the details of our day, and it was a great morning to jump off the tracks and have some words together. Step 1: I cut some construction paper into squares and passed one out to everyone at the table to write the answer to my one question – What is your challenge right now? We each took a minute to write, and then we shared. Ron – struggling to find passion and purpose in my work, but having financial goals for the family – now and in the future Carson – school – boring and same thing over and over again Ada – waking up early and the...
Read MoreWe had some church around our kitchen table that was rich! Three Questions, one piece of paper, a marker and a Bible! That was it and off we ran. I posed the first question for us all to write down our response on our paper. Question #1 – What is a challenge to you right now? What is causing you some pause or stress? We all wrote down our thoughts on our piece of paper. No conversation as of yet. I threw out the next question for reflection. Question #2 – What is the enemy trying to get you to believe about that problem/struggle/issue? What are the agreements he is trying to get you to make? Then, I threw out the last question but still now conversation as...
Read MoreAs Ron was blending his smoothie lunch yesterday, he said: “I have another “P” word for you – ‘pleasant places.'” Surely, these “P” words are over by now, but it is not to be. Another “P.” “Pleasant places – from Psalm, chapter 16. “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Ron and I usually talk about this verse with our kids as it relates to discipline and the boundaries we set. While those boundaries at times feel like limits and have a negative connotation associated with them, these lines are actually for their good and keep...
Read MoreWe are talking about God card #15 this week – God is my fort. He protects me. So, we all grabbed our Bibles and found a place on the couches in the living room. For some reason, Carson wanted to go in the living room. Maya and Ada didn’t, but thankfully, the two sisters worked with their brother in this situation. Maya grabbed some paper and markers, and we were off and running. Everyone looked up a verse from the God card in their Bible, highlighted it and marked in the side margin God card #15! This is so important to get them marking in their Bibles and filling it with your conversations (Study). We read our verses out loud to each other. When we got to...
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