Posts Tagged "crazy"

Quarantine Day ?!?! – Sharing My Crazy with You

Posted by on Mar 27, 2020 in A Story | 0 comments

Quarantine Day ?!?! – Sharing My Crazy with You

In these days of house arrest and forced “homeschooling,” I have been thinking alot about you “young mama’s.” Your days are not easy when all is as planned and there is freedom to leave the confines of your four walls, so I know that these past few weeks and certainly the weeks to come are not and will not be easy. Do I hear an AMEN! So, I wanted to share some of my crazy with you! One of my favorite writers is Tillie Olsen, and she has a great line in her short story, “I Stand Here Ironing” that says: “We are just peaceful wrecks holding hands with other peaceful wrecks.” That is me and you. We all have our dose of...

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Somewhere in Between – Crazy and Wonderful!

Posted by on Apr 18, 2006 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

“How do you make sense of crazy?” Written in my journal on March 22, 2006 “These things are too wonderful.” Written in my journal on January 18, 2006 On this continuum of thought, where do you live – more on the crazy or more on the wonderful? I am finding that I live somewhere in between. Here’s crazy! It all began quite too early one morning when Ada came screaming into our bedroom around 4:00 am. She had had a bad dream and just knew that the bear from Barney Camp was in her bedroom. Later that morning, I was trying to get us all out the door to gymnastics and Maya decided that we needed to chat. I thankfully had thought about getting the car going...

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