We had some church around our kitchen table that was rich! Three Questions, one piece of paper, a marker and a Bible! That was it and off we ran. I posed the first question for us all to write down our response on our paper. Question #1 – What is a challenge to you right now? What is causing you some pause or stress? We all wrote down our thoughts on our piece of paper. No conversation as of yet. I threw out the next question for reflection. Question #2 – What is the enemy trying to get you to believe about that problem/struggle/issue? What are the agreements he is trying to get you to make? Then, I threw out the last question but still now conversation as...
Read MoreHave you ever had a day when every conversation and every effort – no matter how small or large – was met with opposition? For some of us, this may typify our days; for others we may be a bit out of practice on how to respond when dealing with opposing forces. It’s so crazy, but I recall from my childhood having these kinds of days in school or on the practice field or with friends. It just seemed like nothing was going right. This really bothered me. So much so that I developed a strange coping mechanism based on superstition. Like, maybe if I wore my favorite clothes somehow that would avert the problems of the day. Of course this is absolute...
Read MoreWe are talking about God card #15 this week – God is my fort. He protects me. So, we all grabbed our Bibles and found a place on the couches in the living room. For some reason, Carson wanted to go in the living room. Maya and Ada didn’t, but thankfully, the two sisters worked with their brother in this situation. Maya grabbed some paper and markers, and we were off and running. Everyone looked up a verse from the God card in their Bible, highlighted it and marked in the side margin God card #15! This is so important to get them marking in their Bibles and filling it with your conversations (Study). We read our verses out loud to each other. When we got to...
Read MoreThis week’s God card is “Super Glue” – I believe God sticks with me! So far, our family board (post) is blank. So, the time studying the God card together has been conversations with the kids, a song and some moments with Ron and the Bible. This is what we are doing this week. Ebbs and flows! Every week is different. It is important to stay loose and focus on the exchange of life. What is a constant is this: every week we put the Bible in the middle of us on our table. We read verses together, and we talk about what they mean and why they matter in the midst of our lives and details. We pray and then we continue to circle back around a few times...
Read MoreWe are plunging in to God card #14 – floaties this week. I believe God holds me up. I am not sure if you call them floaties in your house, so here are a few pics to show you what I am talking about! I told Maya, Ada and Carson to go find a picture of themselves with floaties. These are the pics they found. As we were finishing breakfast, Ron asked them to explain “floaties.” What do they do? Why did you use them? And do you have any stories about them or a time you felt like you were sinking? At this point, we are just talking literally and getting used to the idea of having something that would hold us up. Ron and I shared the stories of their...
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