Posts Tagged "heaven"

1st day to Pray for 2015!

Posted by on Jan 2, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

1st day to Pray for 2015!

Starting this first prayer with a verse that has caught my attention in Colossians 1. Reading from The Message – “The lines of purpose in your lives never grow slack, tightly tied as they are to your future in heaven, kept taut by hope.” Might even find our word for the year in this verse – see Evaluate. For now, I am praying this verse for all of us – perhaps you want to have some words with Father too! It is a great verse for a conversation. My conversation went like this: Father, I am hungry for purpose in this year of 2015. I am going to go somewhere; the days will move from one to the next! So, choosing purpose seems like a great...

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“What Really Happened at the Hagan House!” (Me card #6)

Posted by on Jul 6, 2011 in A Language, A Plan, Blog, Me Cards | 0 comments

I think it is important for you to understand the simplicity and freedom that I hope for your family when you work through the Me cards. The “Getting Started” section on the poster that came with your Me cards is short and simple; use it, but I also want you to use whatever is going on in your home that week to explain the Me card too. This will be different for every family. The different ages and issues will determine that. I also want you to see that even as the mom who wrote the material, I still had different things happen once I actually put it in motion. On these “What Really Happened” blogs, you are going to see it all. We have done the Me cards now 3...

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