Posts Tagged "preference"

8th day to PRAY for 2015!

Posted by on Jan 14, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

Today we are praying the story of Gideon, compliments of my friend Heather! Here is part of her email to me yesterday – “I am in Judges 6 this morning for my reading. Gideon is chosen by God to fight the Midianites. When the angel of God is informing Gideon of his plans, Gideon’s first response is questions, lots of questions. ‘Where have you been, God? Why did you abandon us? Why did you choose me?’ God’s reply to Gideon: ‘Go in the strength that you have.’ It struck me that God’s preference when sending us into battle is ‘unequal to the task.’ More room for His glory. I also think about Gideon sitting...

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