Posts Tagged "study"

Maya and Father’s Great Conversation! (Story card #4 and study)

Posted by on Apr 10, 2013 in A Language, A Plan, A Tool, Blog, Story Cards | 1 comment

Maya and Father’s Great Conversation! (Story card #4 and study)

We want our children to know that Father God speaks. In all kinds of ways, he is looking for conversation and relationship. He created everything, so why wouldn’t he use all aspects of his creation to draw us to his love and attention? In this moment, he used the Bible to remind Maya that he is watching over her all the time. In this moment, Maya will never forget she has a Father in heaven speaking to her! The picture above tells the story best, but let me give you a few words too. We were studying Psalm 103. As I write, I have no memory as to why. I do love that chapter, and for some reason, we were letting it rest over us. Anyways, after we read the chapter,...

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“A Torn Up Bible!” (study)

Posted by on Dec 18, 2011 in A Plan, A Tool, Blog | 0 comments

a note from my journal. . . Carson was in the living room swiffering in order to get his Dove chocolate. That was the deal he made with Ron. So, anyways, we were still at the kitchen table from dinner, and Carson is talking to us from the living room. All kinds of words – then he says – “hey, Mom, I talked about you on Sunday. My teacher in class was talking about her Bible being torn up and stuff. So, I raised my hand and told her that my mom says a messed up Bible is good. That means you are using it.” What a gift! I just love it. A great story of Carson catching the story and then sharing it. Thanks, Father, for that gift tonight.

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