“The Story in the Hands”

Posted by on Jan 11, 2008 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

“Though I stumble, I will not fall, for the Lord holds me by the hand.” Psalm 37:24

I have so many things that I want to share with you!

I have a great picture of motherhood from a dear friend of mine who just recently celebrated her mother’s journey to heaven. I also really want to tell you about my journey in the world of health and nutrition. I have never felt better and been so empowered to give my family the very best! Then there is Isaiah 38 and the conversation Father God and I are having about prayer over my children. BUT, when we were talking about all of this last night, he gave me a picture instead. It is a picture that gives me definition and captures my story. I am so grateful to my friend, Kathy Doerge (www.myheartleaps.com), that gave this picture to me, and I know that I need to share it with you.

I want to make sure you notice in the picture the role of the hands – who is holding whom?

I walked a long time before I got this. I always viewed the relationship between Father and I different. I thought it was my job to hold on to him. So on the weeks that I could check off enough boxes, I was hanging on pretty good. And the weeks that I screamed more than I prayed and whined more than I studied – I felt pretty distant and messy. I didn’t really have a relationship with Father; I had an obligation and a responsibility to perform a certain way in order to earn his attention. It was exhausting!

As I have come to live in the reality of this picture, I have experienced a freedom and a peace like nothing else! He invites me to reach up and, in his extravagant love, he grabs hold of me. I pray that you sit with this picture awhile and listen to what Father wants to share with you about the reality of this truth.

Ask for it.
Search his word.
Embrace the need.
Accept the rescue.
Engage in the conversation.
Reach up!

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