Posts Tagged "love"

“big ole fits and eyes to see!”

Posted by on May 11, 2016 in A Community, A Story | 0 comments

just found this in my journal stash . . . a great word for me this morning and maybe for you! a day in the life on October 10, 2012~ Throwing the laundry in the washing machine with a bit more force this morning. . . Watching Ron walk out the door to “ensure pension safety” in the investment community with truth and tactics. Wishing my moment involved more than dirty clothes and if the girls want the knit sheets back on their beds???? That is my question and thus the quest for my moment. Father, give me eyes to see the extravagant in dirty clothes, beds that need changing and this home being my workplace for today. Next moment – Maya (age 10) walks into the...

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12th day to PRAY for 2015!

Posted by on Jan 29, 2015 in A Community, A Story, Blog | 0 comments

Problems and Pressure are the prayers for today! I have been thinking about these words for a few days now and actually putting off the prayer. I don’t know what to say. I am knee-deep in my own problems and feeling the pressure to manage it all. That is the temptation. The enemy wants me to recite the problem, wring my hands over the problem, succumb to the problem or escape from the problem. He wants me tight, pitiful or disengaged. But . . . . This is my favorite conjunction in the Bible! There is another option, another story, another way to walk. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what...

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“A Weapon and a Prayer”

Posted by on May 10, 2013 in A Story, Blog | 0 comments

“A Weapon and a Prayer”

Does this look like a weapon to you? It was this morning, believe it or not? I had just left the girls’ room after giving them their 3 “to-do’s” – brush your hair, make your bed and put away your laundry! It was not a few seconds later that I heard screams and the pitter patter of one of these “girl people” in my home! Tears, offense and the story of being whacked upside the head by the “weapon” pictured left! It was a terrible moment for the victim – I mean real tears. So, of course, the attacker quickly followed the victim with a story of her own. “She was ignoring me. I asked her a question, and she...

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“Ada’s Aha Moment” (God card #5 – Boomerang)

Posted by on Apr 23, 2013 in A Language, A Plan, Blog, God Cards | 0 comments

“Ada’s Aha Moment” (God card #5 – Boomerang)

We were doing our spelling this morning along with God card #5 – Boomerang. I believe God is coming back for me. Spelling looks like this: Whatever God card we are doing that week, I read verses from the card. Maya, Ada and Carson write the verses on a piece of paper. Whatever words they misspell becomes their spelling list for the week. Presto! Spelling is done on words they actually don’t know how to spell. The words are from the Bible, pretty good place to find some words. And it is one more touch to get these verses “working” in their minds and hearts! I like to call it a “win-win.” Carson doesn’t see it that way, but that is...

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Maya and Father’s Great Conversation! (Story card #4 and study)

Posted by on Apr 10, 2013 in A Language, A Plan, A Tool, Blog, Story Cards | 1 comment

Maya and Father’s Great Conversation! (Story card #4 and study)

We want our children to know that Father God speaks. In all kinds of ways, he is looking for conversation and relationship. He created everything, so why wouldn’t he use all aspects of his creation to draw us to his love and attention? In this moment, he used the Bible to remind Maya that he is watching over her all the time. In this moment, Maya will never forget she has a Father in heaven speaking to her! The picture above tells the story best, but let me give you a few words too. We were studying Psalm 103. As I write, I have no memory as to why. I do love that chapter, and for some reason, we were letting it rest over us. Anyways, after we read the chapter,...

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